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& Coaching


"Get rid of your bad habits

and set your goal to inhabit new ones"


What is HUH & Coaching?

HUH Coaching is 6 session therapy where you first change your old believes using RTT and then we find your desires, your intuition and you set your self the right goals for you to build a new life.  Your self-esteem will change. Your self-confidence will get better. You will know what is right for you based on your own intuition and your passions. 

We meet every 3 weeks and you do some daily tasks between sessions. This could be listening to a recording, practice listening to your intuition, working on your desires, or working with mantras. And in 5 months time you will have tangible goals to make your desires come true with the HUH therapy, which consists of 4 parts.

The first part is about getting rid of old stuff that does not suit you any more, I am not talking about material things though, but rather what is in your head. Thoughts and pictures of your life, limitations and believes that are stuck in your head and you learned long time ago.  They sit in your unconscious mind and will not go until you take conscious action to get rid of it.

You change your subconscious mind and your life will change forever.

The second part is about finding your intuition and learn to use it all the time, everyday. Because the intuition is the only guidance you need in life ever! When you start noticing how it interacts with you all the time and you start listening, your life will change big time, because you will trust your self, and your intuition and everything you do, will be so much more the right thing to do always.

Once you start listening to your intuition, it will become the only guidance you need in life.

The third part is about your passions, it is about finding your desires and your dreams. You learn to use your intuition to prioritise them. And you learn to manifest, making your desires and dreams become real in your life. 

Your desires will lead you to live your purpose.

The fourth part is the final part, it is where we put all that you have learned together - to make tangible goals for reaching your dreams and desires. I will support you to enjoy the path while reaching them and guide you to be accountable according to your priorities.

are you stuck on the goal seeker hamster wheel ?

if you do not enjoy the path to your goals,

no goal will be enough!

Goals do not only need to be S.M.A.R.T.

If you want your goals to be something that will actually give you happiness and the "good feelings reward" to last after seeking them, you have to also take in to account some other things than S.M.A.R.T.  Your goals also need to be something that you desire and you feel is right for you. Otherwise you will probably need a new goal to fill the emptiness that hit you shortly after finishing your last goal.

We should not spend all our life seeking goals that are not ours. We need to ask ourselves, why do I want  this goal? Is it for me or others? Am I seeking attention or admiration? Am I enjoying the path of reaching my goal?


It is crucial to feel good and enjoy the time while we are seeking a goal and we need to know why we want it. The right reasons need to be in place. Otherwise seeking goals can be one of many forms of addiction, used to numb and keep us occupied so we do not need to spend time with ourself.

In HUH you learn how to enjoy the path while seeking the goals related to your desires.

Cute Notebooks

You will not feel Hypnotised in RTT but relaxed and more conscious than most of your time!

What is RTT?

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HUH is partly based on Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) as you will get one session delegated to RTT.


RTT is a hybrid form of therapy developed by Marisa Peer, an internationally known therapist who has worked with many Fortune 500 executives, celebrities, and royalty over the past 30 years. It combines the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Psychotherapy, and Cognitive Behavioural Therapies. 


There are many benefits to RTT Hypnotherapy. Some of the most common issues clients resolve include: Stress, insomnia, depression, anxiety, confidence issues, self-esteem issues, panic attacks, performance anxiety, weight loss, relationship problems, bad habits e.g. smoking or afraid of heights.

It’s a very safe and relaxing process that will allow you to access your subconscious mind and uncover the root cause of your struggles.

During a typical RTT Hypnotherapy session, guided hypnosis and NLP is used to explore the parts of the mind which hold answers to some of your deepest challenges and questions about yourself. You will be aware and in complete control throughout the session, so there’s no need to worry about divulging information you might not be ready or willing to talk about. I will simply help you  to understand, feel, and heal the blocks which prevent you from living the life you desire.​​

we are going to smash, erase and totally delete your old limiting believes AND HABITS!

Practical Things

The HUH therapy is a very private and taught in 6, 1 :1 sessions, every third week, so normally you would go through the whole therapy in 5 months.

Between sessions you do daily tasks. This could be listening to a recording, practice listening to your intuition, working on your desires, or working with mantras. You get new exercise in each session that supports that new learnings that we discuss.

You can change you life with HUH therapy!


You can meet me in person in Reykjavik or Reykjanesbær, or you can meet me through the internet, for our sessions. I teach the HUH method in both Icelandic and english.

Gamer with Headphones

Request 30 min. free session with Bjork to know more about the HUH therapy

Thank you, I will get back to you as soon as possible!

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